Women Empowerment

What is gender mainstreaming? Why gender mainstreaming? Process of mainstreaming& Key aspects of the strategy Challenges Intervention. Sex roles- are determined by our biological endorsement; they are natural and  they cannot be interchanged. E.g. males releases Sperm while female conceive, give birth and breast feed.

Gender Equality -refers to equal chances for women, men boys and girls in allocation and access to resources, opportunities and services.

▪ Women account for more than half the total population but lag behind in almost all spheres of development. E.g Only 3 per cent of Kenyan women own title deeds thereby minimizing their opportunities to access credit or obtain surety in courts.

▪ In the Political Pillar of Vision 2030, the government states that Kenya shall be a nation that treats its women and men equally.
The constitution of Kenya chapter 4 bill of rights grantees human rights to all citizen and outlaws discrimination based on gender, tribe, disability, etc.
▪ It ensures that women and men, girls and boys have equal access to and control over resources, opportunities and benefits at all levels.
▪ It involves integrating a gender perspective into the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development plans,
policies, programs, projects and legislation at all levels so that women and men; girls and boys benefit equally.
▪ It is a process through which gender awareness is enhanced by highlighting existing gender differences (in terms of needs,
priorities, constraints, opportunities etc).
▪ The ultimate goal of gender mainstreaming is to achieve gender sensitivity, equity and equality.

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